Novo Nordisk Fonden: Infectious Diseases

The purpose of the “Infectious Diseases – Catalyst Grants” programme is to provide catalytic funding for exploratory research projects within the thematic research areas pathogenic fungi, novel antimicrobial resistance (AMR) tools, and harnessing innate immunity. Within these thematic areas, the aim is to stimulate Danish research, strengthen international collaborations, and to initiate innovative research projects with exceptional potential for future direct impact on global challenges.


  • Pathogenic Fungi
  • Novel AMR Tools
  • Harnessing Innate Immunity
The total grant budget is DKK 50 million, which can be awarded over up to three years (2024-2026), meaning that this call will recur in 2025 and potentially in 2026. The individual grants awarded can have one of two different granting frameworks: For each grant where there is only one applicant based in Denmark, up to DKK 3 million can be awarded, with a grant period of up to 3 years. For each grant where there is a Danish main applicant and a co-applicant based abroad, up to DKK 6 million can be awarded, with a grant period of up to 3 years.

Vigtig viden

  • Beløbsstørrelse

    Up to 6 million DKK

  • Ansøgningstidspunkt

    Currently closed
    Reopens: February 2025
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