Carlsbergfondet: Monografistipendier

One-year full-time fellowships for leading, visionary researchers within the humanities or social sciences with a project aimed at producing a ground-breaking monograph or advanced Danish doctoral dissertation.


  • Awarded to tenured senior researchers affiliated to a Danish research institution
  • Ground-breaking monograph dissertation
  • Visionary researchers with the humanities or social sciences
The Carlsberg Foundation covers the fellow’s full salary and operating expenses of DKK 5,000 per month. Coverage of publication expenses must be applied for separately at the end of the project.

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  • Beløbsstørrelse

    Løn- og driftsomkostninger

  • Ansøgningstidspunkt

    Genåbner: 30.06.2025
    Frist: 01.10.2025 16.00
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